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How long should the first round last? - PositiveGems

पहला राउंड कितने समय तक चलना चाहिए | Pahla raund kitne samay tak hona chahiye

Rohit kumar |

In today's blog, we are going to give you very interesting information which probably will not be available anywhere else on the internet. When a man and a woman get married and start living together, they are often curious to know their capabilities. Therefore, we are going to tell you how long should the first round last during sex, here we are not talking about the first round of a game of Kho Kho or Kabaddi, but when a man goes to have sex, the first round of Are talking about. You are going to get complete information about this.

No matter how much the world progresses, people in India often shy away from talking about sex education (sex problems) because no one wants to talk about it openly. That's why people start searching for information about it on the internet, and after watching different types of videos, some people tell different things and some people say something else. We will give you complete information in very simple words.

How long should the first round last? (How long should the first round last)

If you want to know the answer to this then you need to understand that all men have their own different capabilities, and it depends on each man's own capability. In simple words you can understand it like this: Your first round is 1 hour. Can last up to 10 minutes if you don't have any problems. But if you have any kind of sex problem then your first round can end even in 1 minute.

What to do to enjoy the first round longer? (What to do to enjoy as much time as possible in the first round)

  • improve your diet
  • do yoga and exercise
  • go running
  • get plenty of sleep
  • If you are overweight then try to lose weight
  • keep your mind calm
  • spend time in a stress free environment
  • don't smoke
  • do not consume alcohol

How long should the first round last (on the first night of the wedding)

The first night of marriage is a memorable night for everyone. If we assume that both the partners have no experience and both are going to have a relationship for the first time. So maybe you feel like you will storm on the very first night, and in this excitement you start overthinking. And because of this you become mentally nervous and the best performance you were thinking of does not happen.

In such a situation, due to both being very nervous, the first round can last only for 2 to 3 minutes, even if this happens, there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no need to think that you have any disease, you are absolutely normal. And you need to understand that unless you are comfortable with your partner, you will not be able to have proper sex.

Now if we talk about how long should the first round of a healthy couple last, then the answer is that when the man gradually starts becoming comfortable with his partner, then the first round of a healthy couple lasts for about 10 to 15 minutes. .

Now you must be thinking, how can this happen? People can easily watch porn videos for fifty to sixty minutes, so let us tell you that not everything shown in the video is real. Because people take from a week to a month to make a video, all the clips are put together and a complete video of fifty to sixty minutes is made. Therefore, it is not right in any way to consider those videos as true in real life.

Medicines for first round enlargement in men

  • Shilajit
  • Ashwagandha
  • Asparagus
  • bunion
  • dry ginger
  • Arjuna
  • Mace
  • nutmeg
  • Kapikachhu

Note: All the herbs mentioned above are often not available in the market in general form, hence you can use the medicine "Shilajit Capsules" made from the mixture of all these herbs. There are many benefits of its use such as beneficial in anemia in the body, beneficial in controlling blood pressure, beneficial in diabetes, beneficial in controlling cholesterol, beneficial in fatigue, improving the level of testosterone hormone, beneficial in arthritis.

PositiveGems Top Selling Product

If you want to extend your first round by 1 hour, you can use Positive Gems' Long Time Delay Spray. With its initial use, your penis will remain erect for longer periods of time than before. And you will be able to experience sexual pleasure for a longer time.

If you are not comfortable with your partner and do not like them, your first round may not last long. Because when you do not feel comfortable with your partner and do not feel in your heart that you are completely ready, then whether it is your first, second or third round, you will not be able to perform for long.

How long should the second round last?

If we talk about how long the second round should last, then you should know that on average the time for the second round can last only 7 to 8 minutes, it can also be a little up or down, it depends on the physical capacity of the male partner. How long can he last for the second round?

Note: If a man is healthy then it may take him 30 to 35 minutes to get ready for the second round, this time may be a little more or less, this time may be different for every man.

As the age of a man starts increasing, the first and second round of man starts decreasing, a normal person can perform better sex till the age of forty, even after this, couples can have better sex for a long time if their physical condition is good. If your health is good.

Well, it does not matter whether you do it for 2 minutes or 2 hours, if both the partners are happy in a short time then there is no problem, but if either the man or the woman has a complaint then you should take care of your physical health. There is a need to pay attention to health.

You can solve your sex problems by using Positive Gems' Super Action Capsules. By using it, you get rid of the problem of impotence, arousal increases, semen becomes thicker, semen quality increases, you are able to perform better. The use of "Har Feeling" capsules is considered better for women.

How long should the first round last? If you ask these questions online, you will get different answers everywhere and you will be disappointed. Therefore, you are requested not to seek help from any specialist or contact the experienced team of Positive Gems.

If you feel that you are not able to have sex for a long time, then it could be because of the mistakes you made in childhood. Yes, it is absolutely possible that due to the mistakes made in childhood, the nerves of your penis have become weak, and because of this, when you want to perform in real life, you are not able to do it properly.

If you have any kind of sexual problem like impotence or premature ejaculation. So first of all you should find a solution to keep your penis erect for a longer time and not ejaculate early. This is not a big problem, six out of every ten people have such a problem. And treatment is also possible.

Conclusion: We hope you have got a lot of information from our blog “How long should the first round last?” Let us tell you that in this blog we have explained the problem of first round enlargement for men along with its solution. If you want, you can increase your physical capacity by using "Shilajit Capsule" mentioned in the above blog, by which you can increase your timing.

1. How long should the first round last on the wedding day?

The first round on the wedding day should last from two minutes to 5 minutes. If your first round lasts for less than 2 minutes, it is possible that you may have ejaculated early due to excitement, this is normal, it will gradually become normal.

2. How long should the first round last between the ages of 22 to 30?

If you are between 22 to 30 years of age and have a lot of excitement, at this time if your first round lasts for 3 to 6 minutes then it is a normal thing.

3. How long should the first round last at the age of 30 – 40?

Even at this age, the enthusiasm is very high and often at this age people have a lot of stress due to which men are not able to perform properly. At such a time, if a man's first round lasts for 3 to 6 minutes. But with habituation, this time can easily last for 15 minutes.

4.How long should the first round last after 1 year of marriage?

If it has been a year since your marriage, the first round can take anywhere from 6 minutes to 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

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