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For how many months should one have sex during pregnancy - Positive Gems

प्रेगनेंसी में कितने महीने तक संबंध बनाना चाहिए - Positive Gems

Rohit kumar |

The time of pregnancy is very lovely and unique. This is an important occasion in a woman's life. Because during this period, there are some changes in a woman's life which are very lovely, like seeing the growth of the child and getting love and joy from every little movement growing inside her, changes in the woman's body, etc.

Now, whenever it comes to sex, couples often have doubts about how many months should they have sex during pregnancy? Let us tell you that sex is an important part of our life which creates a unique bond between every couple by which man and woman show their love and dedication towards each other physically and mentally. This makes the couples happy. And helps in staying healthy.

Every couple wants to enjoy sex in their life, so there is nothing to be ashamed of, in today's blog we will tell you for how many months should one have sex during pregnancy? So that the child does not suffer any harm and can also enjoy sex to the fullest.

For how many months should one have sex during pregnancy? (How many months in pregnancy should we have sex)

Pregnancy period is nine months, during this period it is very important to maintain health. Meanwhile, if a couple wants to have sex, then it is considered safe to have sex for the first three months of pregnancy, which does not cause any harm to the child. However, experts also recommend not having sex after the first 3 months of pregnancy. If you want to know about sex related problems during pregnancy or during normal days, then you can tell us about your sex problems by calling our number given at the bottom of this blog, our experts will help you completely.

Having sex is a natural process, it has great importance in life, life cannot be imagined without it. That is why it is said that sex should be done with pleasure.

But still many people have this question in their mind, should they have sex during pregnancy or not? Or for how many months should one have sex during pregnancy? Is this safe? Will having sex during pregnancy pose any risk to the baby in the womb?

Answers to all these questions often come to men's mind when a woman is pregnant and they want to have sex but are not able to. In this blog of Positive James, you will get all the information related to how many months should one have sex during pregnancy? What other things should be kept in mind so that there is no harm to the baby growing in the woman's womb?

How safe is it to have sex during pregnancy?

Sexologists believe that if it is normal to have sex during pregnancy, there is no problem or problem in it, you can have sex even after conceiving, but if there is any problem in having sex during pregnancy. If yes then it is advised that it is better if you do not have sex.

Keep in mind, if your pregnancy is normal then you can have sex till the last trimester of pregnancy, but if you have problems during pregnancy then you can have sex only till the first trimester of pregnancy, after that it is not considered right to have sex. During pregnancy, hormones keep changing in the body of women, due to which it can happen. Women may have more desire to have sex or may not have it at all. Therefore, you should respect the feelings of your female partner and give her all the happiness that she demands from you.

Best ways to have sex during pregnancy:

As we have explained above, if a woman expresses her desire to have sex during pregnancy, then the male partner should adopt some safe methods so that there is no harm to the baby in the womb and both can enjoy sex to the fullest. So let us see what are the ways in which women experience amazing pleasure by having sex during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, couples should choose a position that does not put pressure on the pregnant belly, such as the missionary position. If a woman lies on her back, the weight of the baby may put extra pressure on her internal organs or major arteries.

A pregnant woman may feel more comfortable in positions where she can control the depth and speed of penetration.

Comfortable positions may include the pregnant woman on top of her partner, side-by-side spooning, or sitting at the edge of the bed.

Benefits of having sex during pregnancy (Benefits of having sex during pregnancy)

  • Benefits of having sex during pregnancy (Pregnancy mein sex karne ke fayde) There are many benefits, when having sex during pregnancy, endorphin and oxytocin hormones are released from the woman's body, which increases love between couples and also strengthens relationships.
  • If you have sex during pregnancy, you feel mentally healthy, which improves sleep and increases blood circulation in the body, which is good for your health as well as your baby.
  • Having sex during pregnancy increases the immunity, the level of antibodies increases which makes you feel physically and mentally healthy. You will know that due to low immunity in winters, problems like common cold occur, if your immunity is better. So such small problems will always remain away.
  • Having intercourse during pregnancy strengthens the muscles present in the vagina and prevents excessive pain at the time of delivery.
  • If we have sex during pregnancy, the blood pressure becomes normal, which provides relief from many major diseases.

Disadvantages of having sex during pregnancy (Disadvantages of having sex during pregnancy)

Disadvantages of having a relationship during pregnancy (Disadvantages of having a relationship during pregnancy) - Just as there are some benefits of having a relationship during pregnancy, in the same way there are some disadvantages too, in this section we will tell you some disadvantages of having a relationship during pregnancy and how to avoid them. Will also tell you some precautions.

If you have sex during pregnancy, then you need to take great care of cleanliness during this time, condom should be used so that there is no infection or STD (sexually transmitted disease), it is important to take care of comfortable position during sex. . Apart from this, there are some important things which you should take special care of and avoid serious situations.

  • If there is excessive bleeding while having sex during pregnancy, then it is better to stop having sex so that there is no danger to the baby in the womb.
  • During pregnancy, the amniotic sac present in the form of liquid inside the uterus is made up of two membranes which protect the baby. If the amniotic fluid increases too much, then in such a situation one should avoid having sex.
  • If any kind of weakness is felt in the womb, then one should avoid having relations in such a situation.
  • If you have faced the problem of miscarriage before, then this time definitely take advice from an expert before having sex during pregnancy.
  • If you are carrying twin babies (two children) in your womb, then you should avoid having sex, in such a situation the children may be harmed.
  • If you start bleeding from the vagina after having sex during pregnancy, then it indicates miscarriage. If you start bleeding from your vagina, you should avoid having sex.
  • If you or your partner has STD (sexually transmitted disease) then you are advised to avoid sex during pregnancy.
  • If you are having anal sex, then you should avoid vaginal sex during that time because in such a situation the possibility of infection increases.

Apart from this, if there is any other problem due to having sex during pregnancy, then first of all consult a doctor and tell him about your problem, a little carelessness during this time can lead to very serious consequences.

Q: When should one stay away from husband during pregnancy?

Sex should not be done in the last trimester of pregnancy. In such a situation, you may face serious problems like vaginal bleeding, hence avoid having sex at such times. Do not have sex if there is leakage of amniotic fluid. Do not have sex when the fluid covering the fetus in the uterus is released.

Q: For how many months should it be done after getting pregnant?

To keep the pregnancy healthy, a pregnant woman needs to pay special attention to many things. Because a little carelessness can cause many problems. Sex is considered healthy till three months of pregnancy.

Q: For how many months should one have sex during pregnancy?

Sex is considered healthy till three months of pregnancy.

Q: How many days after pregnancy should one have sex?

Sex is considered healthy till three months of pregnancy. After that, doctors recommend not having sex.

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